POI Range

Platform: API iOS Android

POI Range API provides the ability to query all POI information within a specified area.

Request URL


Request Parameters

All parameters are separated by &. If no optional parameters are set, the default value will be used.

  • location(required)The comma-separated longitude and latitude (decimal, up to 2 decimal places) of the location to be queried. For example: location=116.41,39.92
  • type(required)Choose to search for a certain type of POI.
    • scenic Scenic Spot
    • CSTA Currents Station
    • TSTA Tide Station
  • key(required)API authentication key, please refer to How To Get Your Key. Support Signature Authentication. Example: key=12334567890ABC
  • radiusSet search radius, the value range is 1-50, in kilometers. 5 by default.
  • numberNumber of the results in response, from 1 to 20, 10 is the default.
  • langMulti-language setting, please see Language to find out how our multi-language works and how to set up.

Request Example

Scenic zone within a 10 km radius

curl -L -X GET --compressed 'https://geoapi.qweather.com/v2/poi/range?location=116.40528,39.90498&type=scenic&radius=10&key=YOUR_KEY'


The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.

  "code": "200",
  "poi": [
      "name": "中山公园",
      "id": "10101010016A",
      "lat": "39.90999985",
      "lon": "116.38999939",
      "adm2": "北京",
      "adm1": "北京",
      "country": "中国",
      "tz": "Asia/Shanghai",
      "utcOffset": "+08:00",
      "isDst": "0",
      "type": "scenic",
      "rank": "86",
      "fxLink": "https://www.qweather.com"
      "name": "故宫博物院",
      "id": "10101010018A",
      "lat": "39.90999985",
      "lon": "116.38999939",
      "adm2": "北京",
      "adm1": "北京",
      "country": "中国",
      "tz": "Asia/Shanghai",
      "utcOffset": "+08:00",
      "isDst": "0",
      "type": "scenic",
      "rank": "67",
      "fxLink": "https://www.qweather.com"
      "name": "北京市规划展览馆",
      "id": "10101010002A",
      "lat": "39.88999939",
      "lon": "116.40000153",
      "adm2": "北京",
      "adm1": "北京",
      "country": "中国",
      "tz": "Asia/Shanghai",
      "utcOffset": "+08:00",
      "isDst": "0",
      "type": "scenic",
      "rank": "68",
      "fxLink": "https://www.qweather.com"
      "name": "老舍茶馆",
      "id": "10101010021A",
      "lat": "39.88999939",
      "lon": "116.38999939",
      "adm2": "北京",
      "adm1": "北京",
      "country": "中国",
      "tz": "Asia/Shanghai",
      "utcOffset": "+08:00",
      "isDst": "0",
      "type": "scenic",
      "rank": "86",
      "fxLink": "https://www.qweather.com"
      "name": "景山公园",
      "id": "10101010012A",
      "lat": "39.91999817",
      "lon": "116.38999939",
      "adm2": "北京",
      "adm1": "北京",
      "country": "中国",
      "tz": "Asia/Shanghai",
      "utcOffset": "+08:00",
      "isDst": "0",
      "type": "scenic",
      "rank": "67",
      "fxLink": "https://www.qweather.com"
  "refer": {
    "sources": [
    "license": [
      "QWeather Developers License"
  • code See Status Code
  • poi.name POI Name
  • poi.id POI ID
  • poi.lat Latitude of the POI
  • poi.lon Longitude of the POI
  • poi.adm2 Name of the superior administrative division of the POI
  • poi.adm1 The first-level administrative area of ​​the POI
  • poi.country Country name of the POI
  • poi.tz POI timezone
  • poi.utcOffset The number of hours offset between local time and UTC time, refer to UTC Offset
  • poi.isDst Is the POI currently on daylight saving time. 1 for daylight saving time and 0 for not in daylight saving time.
  • poi.type POI type
  • poi.rank POI Rank
  • poi.fxLink Responsive web page of this location, easy to embed in your website or APP
  • refer.sources Data source and other statements, may be null
  • refer.license Data license, may be null