Signature Auth
For more security of API request, we recommend that you use the Signature Authentication for access authentication.
: public ID, each KEY has a public ID. -
: Timestamp, in seconds -
: Signature -
other required parameters of API
Create Signature
- Format the request parameters in “key=value” format, such as “k1=v1”, “k2=v2”, “k3 =v3”.
- Remove parameters with null values from the request parameters
- Remove the request parameters with the parameter
(the signature parameter is not involved in the signature algorithm) - Arrange the remaining key-value pairs in step 3 in ascending dictionary order and concatenate them with the
, e.g. a=1&b=2&m=3&w=4 - Splice the API key after the string obtained in step 4, assuming the key is
, the result is: a=1&b=2&m=3&w=4mykey - Encrypt the string obtained in step 5 with MD5 (Note: the character set is UTF-8) and get the signature result
- Add the signature result from step 6 to the request as a parameter named
, i.e.sign=xxxxxxx
PHP Demo
// String to be signed
$str = '';
// Sort the parameters by the dictionary ascending order of their parameter names
// Iterate over each key/value pair in the sorted parameter array
foreach($params as $k => $v){
$str .= $k . '=' . $v . '&';
$str = substr($str,0,strlen($str)-1);
// Splice the signature key to the end of the signature string
$str .= $secret;
// Generate an md5 signature for the signature string by the md5 algorithm, which is the value of the sign parameter we want to append
$sign = md5($str);
* @param HashMap params, request parameter set, all parameters must be converted to string type
* @param String secret, private key
* @return signature
* @throws IOException
public static String getSignature(HashMap<String, String> params, String secret) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> sortedParams = new TreeMap<>(params);
Set<Map.Entry<String, String>> entrys = sortedParams.entrySet();
StringBuilder baseString = new StringBuilder();
for ( Map.Entry<String, String> param : entrys ) {
//sign参数 和 空值参数 不加入算法
if ( param.getValue()!=null && !"".equals(param.getKey().trim()) && !"sign".equals(param.getKey ().trim()) && !"key".equals(param.getKey().trim()) && !"".equals(param.getValue().trim()) ) {
baseString.append(param.getKey().trim()).append("=").append(param.getValue().trim()).append ("&");
if ( baseString.length() > 0 ) {
baseString.deleteCharAt(baseString.length() - 1).append(secret);
try {
MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte[] bytes = md5.digest(baseString.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"));
return new String(encodeHex(bytes));
} catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
throw ex;
public static char[] encodeHex(byte[] data) {
int l = data.length;
char[] out = new char[l << 1];
int i = 0;
char[] toDigits = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' };
for ( int var5 = 0; i < l; ++i ) {
out[var5++] = toDigits[(240 & data[i]) >>> 4];
out[var5++] = toDigits[15 & data[i]];
return out;
JavaScript Demo
let privateKey = 'XXXXX';
let parameters = {};
parameters['location'] = '101010100';
parameters['publicid'] = 'PublicID';
parameters['t'] = '1590123123';
// other required parameters of API
parameters['required'] = " ";
function getSignature(parameterObject, privateKey) {
var keys = [];
for (let k in parameterObject) {
if (k !== 'key' && k !== 'sign' && !/^\s+$/.test(k) && !/^\s+$/.test(parameterObject[k])) {
let str = '';
for (let i in keys) {
let k = keys[i];
if (!/\s+/.test(parameterObject[k])) {
str += k + '=' + parameterObject[k] + '&';
str = str.substr(0, str.length - 1) + privateKey;
return md5(str);