Grid Weather

Browse all grid level Weather APIs around the world, including real-time weather, forecast weather and minute-level precipitation at any latitude and longitude.

The spatial resolution of grid weather is 3-5 km.

Note: Grid weather is a kind of numerical forecast, which is calculated from satellite, weather radar and other data by model algorithms. It may be affected by many factors, such as mountains, buildings, human activities, and atmospheric changes. Grid weather and observatory data cannot be directly compared.

Grid Weather Real-time

Get high-precision real-time weather at any latitude and longitude around the world.

Grid Weather Daily Forecast

Get daily weather forecasts at any latitude and longitude in the world, including: temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, weather conditions, wind, wind direction, etc.

Grid Weather Hourly Forecast

Get hourly weather forecasts at any latitude and longitude in the world, including: temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, weather conditions, wind direction, etc.