iOS SDK Config

This document will introduce how to configure the iOS SDK in the QWeather Develop Service.

OS Requirement:

  • iOS 9.0+
  • macOS 10.10+

Hint: QWeather iOS SDK also includes macOS SDK.

Step 1: Create Project and KEY

Make sure you have created a Project and iOS SDK KEY, otherwise refer to Project and KEY.

Step 2: Install SDK

iOS SDK supports the following installation methods:


QWeather iOS SDK can be installed via CocoaPods. CocoaPods is an open source dependency manager, if you haven’t installed CocoaPods yet, please refer to CocoaPods Getting Started guide. The following steps assume that you have already completed the installation and setup of CocoaPods.

  1. Create a file named Podfile in your project directory
  2. Add the following to the Podfile and save it
    • iOS
      target 'YourTargetName-iOS' do
         pod 'QWeather-SDK'
    • macOS
      target 'YourTargetName-macOS' do
         pod 'QWeather-SDK'
  3. Open a terminal and go to the directory containing the Podfile and run:
    pod install

Update SDK

Open a terminal and go to the directory containing the Podfile and run:

pod update

Swift Package Manager

You can also use Swift Package Manager to integrate iOS SDK, please refer to Adding package dependencies to your app.

Manual install

  1. Download SDK: QWeather_iOS_SDK_Pub_V4.17
    MD5: ddedb09235363920b408e1a6cc9434ad
  2. Add QWeather.xcframework to iOS/macOS Target.

If the project is written by swift:

  1. Create a new OC class in the main directory of the Swift project. If the OC class is created for the first time in the project, a prompt window as shown in the figure will pop up. This prompt window is a pop-up prompt for whether to create a Swift-OC bridge file.
  2. Click Create Bridging Header, Xcode will automatically create a header file. This header file is the bridge file of Swift-OC
  3. Declare this framework class in the Swift-OC bridge file and it can be used.
  4. The sdk needs to enable the location permission, which is configured in Info.plist:



  • If there is a crash say unrecognized selector sent to ..., please add -ObjC to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings
  • The framework does not provide log function, error information can be obtained from the following callback getError

                       WithSuccess:(void(^)(id responseObject))getSuccess
                  faileureForError:(void(^)(NSError *error))getError;

Step 3: Setup KEY and Subscription

Setup the API KEY and Subscription in the AppDelegate:

Setup Public ID and KEY

Replace Your_KEY and Your_Public_ID with your KEY and Public ID:

QWeatherConfigInstance.publicID = @"Your_Public_ID";
QWeatherConfigInstance.appKey = @"Your_KEY";

Setup Subscription

  • Standard subscription:

      QWeatherConfigInstance.appType = APP_TYPE_BIZ;
  • Free subscription:

      QWeatherConfigInstance.appType = APP_TYPE_DEV;

Sample Code

Add the following code where you need to use, enter the required parameters, and return to the data model of the corresponding type

 * Real-time weather
 * @param userType: user type, divided into commercial version and free development version
 * @param location: location to be queried
 * @param lang: set multi-language, the default is simplified Chinese
 * @param unit: set unit, metric (m) or imperial (i), the default is metric unit

#import <QWeather/QWeather.h>

AllWeatherInquieirs *qWeather = [AllWeatherInquieirs sharedInstance];//or AllWeatherInquieirs *qWeather = [[AllWeatherInquieirs alloc] init];
qWeather.appType = APP_TYPE_BIZ;
qWeather.location = @"101010300";
qWeather.lang = @"";//or qWeather.languageType = @"";
qWeather.unit = @"";//or qWeather.unitType = @"";

[qWeather weatherWithInquireType: INQUIRE_TYPE_WEATHER_NOW WithSuccess:^(WeatherBaseClass * responseObject) {

      } faileureForError:^(NSError *error) {
