Grid Weather Hourly Forecast

Platform: API

Get hourly weather forecasts at any latitude and longitude in the world, including: temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, weather conditions, wind direction, etc.

The spatial resolution is 1x1, 3x3 or 5x5 KM, depending on the region.

Request URL

Hourly Forecast by Grid (24hrs){QueryParams}
Hourly Forecast by Grid (72hrs){QueryParams}

For Free subscription, change the API Host to See data available for Free subscription.

Request Parameters

All parameters are separated by &. If no optional parameters are set, the default value will be used.

  • key(required)API authentication key, please refer to How To Get Your Key. Support Signature Authentication. Example: key=12334567890ABC
  • location(required)The comma-separated longitude and latitude (decimal, up to 2 decimal places) of the location to be queried. For example: location=116.41,39.92
  • langMulti-language setting, please see Language to find out how our multi-language works and how to set up.
  • unitSet weather data unit, the available value are unit=m for metric(default) and unit=i for imperial. See more about Unit.

Request Example

Grid weather hourly forecast(24H) for 116.41N, 39.92E

curl -L -X GET --compressed ',39.92&key=YOUR_KEY'


The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.

  "code": "200",
  "updateTime": "2021-12-16T19:27+08:00",
  "fxLink": "",
  "hourly": [
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T12:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-2",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "285",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "30",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1022",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-17"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T13:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-3",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "289",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "32",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1023",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-17"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T14:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-3",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "293",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "7",
      "humidity": "34",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1024",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-17"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T15:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-4",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "296",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "6",
      "humidity": "35",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1024",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-17"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T16:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-4",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "294",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "6",
      "humidity": "35",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1025",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-17"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T17:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-5",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "290",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "7",
      "humidity": "35",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1025",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-18"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T18:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-5",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "280",
      "windDir": "西风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "33",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1025",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-19"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T19:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-6",
      "icon": "154",
      "text": "阴",
      "wind360": "277",
      "windDir": "西风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "9",
      "humidity": "30",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1026",
      "cloud": "6",
      "dew": "-20"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T20:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-6",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "283",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "9",
      "humidity": "29",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1026",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-21"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T21:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-7",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "9",
      "humidity": "27",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1026",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-22"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T22:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-7",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "27",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1026",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-23"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-16T23:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-7",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "293",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "1",
      "windSpeed": "5",
      "humidity": "28",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1027",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-23"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T00:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-7",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "304",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "1",
      "windSpeed": "3",
      "humidity": "27",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1027",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-23"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T01:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-7",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "1",
      "windSpeed": "4",
      "humidity": "24",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1028",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-24"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T02:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-6",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "20",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1028",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-25"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T03:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-5",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "3",
      "windSpeed": "14",
      "humidity": "17",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1029",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-26"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T04:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-4",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "3",
      "windSpeed": "14",
      "humidity": "16",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1028",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-26"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T05:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-3",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
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      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "3",
      "windSpeed": "16",
      "humidity": "15",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1026",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-26"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T06:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-2",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "324",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "3",
      "windSpeed": "15",
      "humidity": "14",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1025",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-25"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T07:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-1",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "325",
      "windDir": "西北风",
      "windScale": "3",
      "windSpeed": "12",
      "humidity": "13",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1025",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-26"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T08:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-1",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "352",
      "windDir": "北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "13",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1024",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-26"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T09:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-2",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "44",
      "windDir": "东北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "9",
      "humidity": "19",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1024",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-22"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T10:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-3",
      "icon": "150",
      "text": "晴",
      "wind360": "52",
      "windDir": "东北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "8",
      "humidity": "26",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1024",
      "cloud": "0",
      "dew": "-20"
      "fxTime": "2021-12-17T11:00+00:00",
      "temp": "-4",
      "icon": "154",
      "text": "阴",
      "wind360": "48",
      "windDir": "东北风",
      "windScale": "2",
      "windSpeed": "6",
      "humidity": "29",
      "precip": "0.0",
      "pressure": "1023",
      "cloud": "91",
      "dew": "-19"
  "refer": {
    "sources": [
    "license": [
      "QWeather Developers License"
  • code See Status Code
  • updateTime API last update time
  • fxLink Responsive web page of this data, for embedded in website or APP
  • hourly.fxTime Forecast time
  • hourly.temp temperature
  • hourly.icon Icon code for weather conditions. See also QWeather Icons
  • hourly.text Weather conditions
  • hourly.wind360 Wind direction in azimuth degree
  • hourly.windDir Wind direction
  • hourly.windScale Wind scale
  • hourly.windSpeed Wind speed, KM/H
  • hourly.humidity Relative humidity in percent
  • hourly.precip Accumulated precipitation in the current hour
  • Cloud cover in percent, may be null
  • hourly.dew Dew point temperature, may be null
  • refer.sources Data source and other statements, may be null
  • refer.license Data license, may be null