Sunrise and Sunset

Platform: API iOS Android

Get the sunrise and sunset times for the next 60 days at any location worldwide.

Request URL{QueryParams}

For Free subscription, change the API Host to See data available for Free subscription.

Request Parameters

All parameters are separated by &. If no optional parameters are set, the default value will be used.

  • key(required)API authentication key, please refer to How To Get Your Key. Support Signature Authentication. Example: key=12334567890ABC
  • location(required)The location to be queried, support LocationID or comma-separated longitude and latitude (decimal, up to 2 decimal places), LocationID can be obtained by GeoAPI. Example: location=101010100 or location=116.41,39.92
  • date(required)Set the date, up to 60 days in the future (including today). The date format is yyyyMMdd. Example: date=20200531

Request Example

curl -L -X GET --compressed ''


The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.

  "code": "200",
  "updateTime": "2021-02-17T11:00+08:00",
  "fxLink": "",
  "sunrise": "2021-02-20T06:58+08:00",
  "sunset": "2021-02-20T17:57+08:00",
  "refer": {
    "sources": [
    "license": [
      "QWeather Developers License"
  • code See Status Code
  • updateTime API last update time
  • fxLink Responsive web page of this data, for embedded in website or APP
  • sunrise Sunrise time. Maybe null in high latitude area
  • sunset Sunset time. Maybe null in high latitude area
  • refer.sources Data source and other statements, may be null
  • refer.license Data license, may be null