Storm Track

Platform: API iOS Android

Get the tropical cyclones location, level, pressure, windspeed, and track path of active storm in major ocean basins around the world.

Only the coastal areas of China are supported now, i.e. basin=NP

Storm Track

Storm Track provides tropical cyclones real-time information, including real-time tropical cyclones location, level, pressure, wind and etc., as well as historical position.

Interface Code Interface Class
getStormTrack Real-time storm data and storm track data StormTrackBean


  • stormid(required)The storm ID that needs to be queried, StormID can be obtained by Storm List, e.g., stormid=NP2018

Sample Code

QWeather.getStormTrack(Context context, String stormId, OnResultTropicalStormTrackListener listener);


Properties of StormTrackBean

Property Description Example
getCode Status code, please refer to Status Code Status Code
getBasic Basic Informatio Basic
getRefer Reference data, includes data source, statements and license Refer
getIsActive Is it an active storm?
1 Active
0 Stopped
getNow Ream-time storm data StormTrackNowBean
getTrackList Storm track data List


Property Description Example
getUpdateTime Last updated time 2017-10-25T04:34+08:00
getFxLink Responsive web page of this data, for embedded in website or APP


Property Description Example
getSourcesList Data source and other statements QWeather
getLicenseList Data license QWeather Developers License


Property Description Example
getPubTime The data release time from the data source 2020-10-29T20:00+08:00
getLat Storm latitude 8
getLon Storm longitude 148.5
getType Storm type TS
getPressure Center pressure of the storm 1000
getWindSpeed Maximum wind speed near the strom 18
getMoveSpeed Storm moving speed 27
getMoveDir Storm moving direction NE
getMove360 Storm movement direction in azimuth degre, may be null 332
getWindRadius30 Strom with level 7 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean
getWindRadius50 Strom with level 10 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean
getWindRadius64 Strom with level 12 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean


Property Description Example
getNeRadius The northeast wind radius quadrants 359
getSeRadius The southeast wind radius quadrants 359
getSwRadius The southwest wind radius quadrants 212
getNwRadius The northwest wind radius quadrants 212


Property Description Example
getTime Storm information release time 2020-10-29T20:00+08:00
getLat Storm latitude 8
getLon Storm longitude 148.5
getType Storm type TS
getPressure Center pressure of the storm 1000
getWindSpeed Maximum wind speed near the strom 18
getMoveSpeed Storm moving speed 27
getMoveDir Storm moving direction NW
getMove360 Storm movement direction in azimuth degree 332
getWindRadius30 Strom with level 7 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean
getWindRadius50 Strom with level 10 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean
getWindRadius64 Strom with level 12 wind circle, may be null StormTrackWindBean

Typhoon level

GBT 19201-2006

Tropical cyclone level Maximum average wind speed near the bottom center (m/s) Maximum wind near the bottom center (level)
Tropical pressure (TD) 10.8-17.1 6-7
Tropical Storm (TS) 17.2-24.4 8-9
Severe Tropical Storm (STS) 24.5-32.6 10-11
Typhoon (TY) 32.7-41.4 12-13
Severe Typhoon (STY) 41.5-50.9 14-15
Super Typhoon (SuperTY) ≥51.0 16 or above