Weather Warning City List

Platform: API iOS Android

Get a list of cities for the specified country or region where weather warnings are currently in effect.

See also Weather warning API to get warning details.

Note: Weather Warning City List only supports China (including Hong Kong, Macao and China Taiwan) now. For other countries and regions, please use Weather Warning.

Tips: For more warning description, see Resource - Warning Info.

Request URL{QueryParams}

For Free subscription, change the API Host to See data available for Free subscription.

Request Parameters

All parameters are separated by &. If no optional parameters are set, the default value will be used.

  • range(required)Set country or region, ISO 3166 format, example: range=cn or range=hk. Currently this function only supports city list in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and China Taiwan), for other countries and regions please use Weather Warning to get it separately.
  • key(required)API authentication key, please refer to How To Get Your Key. Support Signature Authentication. Example: key=12334567890ABC

Request Example

curl -L -X GET --compressed ''


The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.

  "code": "200",
  "updateTime": "2020-06-21T05:39+00:00",
  "warningLocList": [
      "locationId": "101010800"
      "locationId": "101011200"
      "locationId": "101011400"
      "locationId": "101020700"
      "locationId": "101040400"
      "locationId": "101041900"
      "locationId": "101043400"
      "locationId": "101043600"
      "locationId": "101050106"
      "locationId": "101050107"
      "locationId": "101050301"
      "locationId": "101050302"
      "locationId": "101050303"
      "locationId": "101130103"
      "locationId": "101130109"
      "locationId": "101130114"
      "locationId": "101130302"
      "locationId": "101130303"
      "locationId": "101130409"
      "locationId": "101130610"
      "locationId": "101130611"
      "locationId": "101130613"
      "locationId": "101130614"
      "locationId": "101131920"
      "locationId": "101221008"
      "locationId": "101230507"
      "locationId": "101132101"
      "locationId": "101132201"
      "locationId": "101132301"
  "refer": {
    "sources": [
    "license": [
      "QWeather Developers License"
  • code See Status Code
  • updateTime API last update time
  • warningLocList.locationId List of Location ID for warning
  • refer.sources Data source and other statements, may be null
  • refer.license Data license, may be null