Air Quality Hourly Forecast (new)
The air quality hourly forecast API provides air quality forecast data for each hour of the next 24 hours, including AQI, pollutants concentration, sub-indexes, health effects and advice.
We recommend to read Air Quality Info to learn about the AQIs, pollutants, supported regions and more.
Request URL{latitude}/{longitude}
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. See data available for Free subscription.
Path Parameters
(required)The latitude of the desired location. Decimal format, up to 2 decimal places. For example39.92
(required)The longitude of the desired location. Decimal format, up to 2 decimal places. For example116.41
Query Parameters
Multi-language setting, please see Language to find out how our multi-language works and how to set up.
Request Example
curl -X GET --compressed \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer your_token' \
Replace your_token
with your JWT or learn more about Authentication
The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.
"metadata": {
"tag": "b1d735802464094bf274fd2165309ddfdab22cec2fa0e644edfcd7f803c2aaad"
"hours": [
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T03:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 17.01,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.88,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 4.05,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 6.55,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 49.05,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T04:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 16.89,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.84,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.91,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 6.21,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 47.75,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T05:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 16.56,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.88,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 4.57,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 5.62,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 46.13,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T06:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 16.85,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.03,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 5.79,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.68,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 45.32,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T07:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.5,
"aqiDisplay": "1.5",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 17.75,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.5,
"aqiDisplay": "1.5"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.06,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 7.12,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.66,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 48.14,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T08:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.7,
"aqiDisplay": "1.7",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 20.19,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.7,
"aqiDisplay": "1.7"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.94,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 8.14,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 7.61,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 39.06,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T09:00Z",
"indexes": [
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"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.6,
"aqiDisplay": "1.6",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 19.98,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.6,
"aqiDisplay": "1.6"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.85,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 6.73,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 25.89,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.6,
"aqiDisplay": "0.6"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 32.27,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T10:00Z",
"indexes": [
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"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 16.63,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.4,
"aqiDisplay": "1.4"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.92,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 6.03,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 40.21,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.9,
"aqiDisplay": "0.9"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 27.15,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.6,
"aqiDisplay": "0.6"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T11:00Z",
"indexes": [
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"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.1,
"aqiDisplay": "1.1",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 11.35,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.19,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.59,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 50.73,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
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"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 1,
"aqiDisplay": "1",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 156,
"green": 255,
"blue": 156,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 9.4,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.2,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 4.43,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 32.22,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 40.73,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
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"aqi": 0.9,
"aqiDisplay": "0.9"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T22:00Z",
"indexes": [
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"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 13.16,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.1,
"aqiDisplay": "1.1"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.97,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.2,
"aqiDisplay": "0.2"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 4.01,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 30.26,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 39.04,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-17T23:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 14.66,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.47,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.79,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 31.4,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 38.28,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-18T00:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 14.71,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.29,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 3.23,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 30.46,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 38.07,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-18T01:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 14.7,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.16,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.76,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 29.04,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.6,
"aqiDisplay": "0.6"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 35.58,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.8,
"aqiDisplay": "0.8"
"forecastTime": "2023-05-18T02:00Z",
"indexes": [
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"name": "QAQI",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Excellent",
"color": {
"red": 195,
"green": 217,
"blue": 78,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": "No health implications.",
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
"code": "gb-defra",
"name": "DAQI (GB)",
"aqi": 2,
"aqiDisplay": "2",
"level": "1",
"category": "Low",
"color": {
"red": 49,
"green": 255,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 1
"primaryPollutant": {
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
"health": {
"effect": null,
"advice": {
"generalPopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.",
"sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your usual outdoor activities."
"pollutants": [
"code": "pm2p5",
"name": "PM 2.5",
"fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 14.18,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 1.2,
"aqiDisplay": "1.2"
"code": "pm10",
"name": "PM 10",
"fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
"concentration": {
"value": 1.95,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "no2",
"name": "NO2",
"fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 2.3,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.1,
"aqiDisplay": "0.1"
"code": "o3",
"name": "O3",
"fullName": "Ozone",
"concentration": {
"value": 33.35,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
"code": "so2",
"name": "SO2",
"fullName": "Sulfur dioxide",
"concentration": {
"value": 30.77,
"unit": "μg/m3"
"subIndexes": [
"code": "qaqi",
"aqi": 0.7,
"aqiDisplay": "0.7"
Unique tag for this data -
Forecast time, ISO8601 format -
Code of air quality index -
Name of air quality index -
Value of air quality index -
Display name of the AQI value -
Level of air quality index -
Category of air quality index -
Red in RGBA color for AQI -
Green in RGBA color for AQI -
Blue in RGBA color for AQI -
Alpha in RGBA color for AQI -
The primary pollutant code, maybe NULL. -
Name of primary pollutant, maybe NULL. -
Full name of primary pollutant, maybe NULL. -
Health effects of air quality, maybe NULL. -
Health advice for general population, maybe NULL. -
Health advice for sensitive population, maybe NULL. -
The pollutant code. -
Name of pollutant. -
Full name of pollutant. -
Concentration values of pollutants. -
Units for concentration values of pollutants. -
Code of air quality sub-index, maybe NULL. -
Sub-index value for pollutant, maybe NULL. -
Sub-index for display, maybe NULL.