Current Air Quality (new)

Platform: API

The current air quality (AQI) API provides real-time air quality data for specified locations, data resolution is 1x1 km.

  • AQI, category, color and primary pollutant based on local standards for each country or region
  • Generic QWeather AQI
  • Pollutant concentration values and their sub-index.
  • Health effects and advice
  • Associated monitoring station information

We recommend to read Air Quality Info to learn about the AQIs, pollutants, supported regions and more.

Request URL{latitude}/{longitude}?{QueryParams}

For Free subscription, change the API Host to See data available for Free subscription.

Path Parameters

  • latitude(required)The latitude of the desired location. Decimal format, up to 2 decimal places. For example 39.92
  • longitude(required)The longitude of the desired location. Decimal format, up to 2 decimal places. For example 116.41

Query Parameters

Request Example

curl -L -X GET --compressed ''


The response is in JSON format and is Gzip compressed.

  "metadata": {
    "tag": "d75a323239766b831889e8020cba5aca9b90fca5080a1175c3487fd8acb06e84"
  "indexes": [
      "code": "us-epa",
      "name": "AQI (US)",
      "aqi": 46,
      "aqiDisplay": "46",
      "level": "1",
      "category": "Good",
      "color": {
        "red": 0,
        "green": 228,
        "blue": 0,
        "alpha": 1
      "primaryPollutant": {
        "code": "pm2p5",
        "name": "PM 2.5",
        "fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
      "health": {
        "effect": "No health effects.",
        "advice": {
          "generalPopulation": "Everyone can continue their outdoor activities normally.",
          "sensitivePopulation": "Everyone can continue their outdoor activities normally."
      "code": "qaqi",
      "name": "QAQI",
      "aqi": 0.9,
      "aqiDisplay": "0.9",
      "level": "1",
      "category": "Excellent",
      "color": {
        "red": 80,
        "green": 240,
        "blue": 230,
        "alpha": 1
      "primaryPollutant": {
        "code": "pm2p5",
        "name": "PM 2.5",
        "fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)"
      "health": {
        "effect": "No health implications.",
        "advice": {
          "generalPopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities.",
          "sensitivePopulation": "Enjoy your outdoor activities."
  "pollutants": [
      "code": "pm2p5",
      "name": "PM 2.5",
      "fullName": "Fine particulate matter (<2.5µm)",
      "concentration": {
        "value": 11.0,
        "unit": "μg/m3"
      "subIndexes": [
          "code": "us-epa",
          "aqi": 46,
          "aqiDisplay": "46"
          "code": "qaqi",
          "aqi": 0.9,
          "aqiDisplay": "0.9"
      "code": "pm10",
      "name": "PM 10",
      "fullName": "Inhalable particulate matter (<10µm)",
      "concentration": {
        "value": 12.0,
        "unit": "μg/m3"
      "subIndexes": [
          "code": "us-epa",
          "aqi": 12,
          "aqiDisplay": "12"
          "code": "qaqi",
          "aqi": 0.5,
          "aqiDisplay": "0.5"
      "code": "no2",
      "name": "NO2",
      "fullName": "Nitrogen dioxide",
      "concentration": {
        "value": 6.77,
        "unit": "ppb"
      "subIndexes": [
          "code": "us-epa",
          "aqi": 7,
          "aqiDisplay": "7"
          "code": "qaqi",
          "aqi": 0.1,
          "aqiDisplay": "0.1"
      "code": "o3",
      "name": "O3",
      "fullName": "Ozone",
      "concentration": {
        "value": 0.02,
        "unit": "ppb"
      "subIndexes": [
          "code": "us-epa",
          "aqi": 21,
          "aqiDisplay": "21"
          "code": "qaqi",
          "aqi": 0.2,
          "aqiDisplay": "0.2"
      "code": "co",
      "name": "CO",
      "fullName": "Carbon monoxide",
      "concentration": {
        "value": 0.25,
        "unit": "ppm"
      "subIndexes": [
          "code": "us-epa",
          "aqi": 3,
          "aqiDisplay": "3"
          "code": "qaqi",
          "aqi": 0.1,
          "aqiDisplay": "0.1"
  "stations": [
      "id": "P51762",
      "name": "North Holywood"
      "id": "P58056",
      "name": "Pasadena"
      "id": "P57327",
      "name": "Los Angeles - N. Main Street"
  • metadata.tag Unique tag for this data
  • indexes.code Code of air quality index
  • Name of air quality index
  • indexes.aqi Value of air quality index
  • indexes.aqiDisplay Display name of the AQI value
  • indexes.level Level of air quality index
  • indexes.category Category of air quality index
  • Red in RGBA color for AQI
  • Green in RGBA color for AQI
  • Blue in RGBA color for AQI
  • indexes.color.alpha Alpha in RGBA color for AQI
  • indexes.primaryPollutant.code The primary pollutant code, maybe NULL.
  • Name of primary pollutant, maybe NULL.
  • indexes.primaryPollutant.fullName Full name of primary pollutant, maybe NULL.
  • Health effects of air quality, maybe NULL.
  • Health advice for general population, maybe NULL.
  • Health advice for sensitive population, maybe NULL.
  • pollutants.code The pollutant code.
  • Name of pollutant.
  • pollutants.fullName Full name of pollutant.
  • pollutants.concentration.value Concentration values of pollutants.
  • pollutants.concentration.unit Units for concentration values of pollutants.
  • pollutants.subIndexes.code Code of air quality sub-index, maybe NULL.
  • pollutants.subIndexes.aqi Sub-index value for pollutant, maybe NULL.
  • pollutants.subIndexes.aqiDisplay Sub-index for display, maybe NULL.
  • Location ID of the monitoring station for this AQI reference, maybe NULL.
  • Name of the monitoring station for this AQI reference, maybe NULL.