
QWeather Develop services are all based on pay as you go billing model, you only pay for the services you actually use, no large upfront, no hidden fees, start and stop whenever you want, and no fees when you stop.

Pay as you go is tiered pricing model, with the higher requests, the lower cost per request.


  • Billing unit: pre request. See What is a request.
  • Billing cycle: monthly
  • Accrued charges cycle: hourly
  • Tiered price progression cycle: monthly
  • Minimum billing amount: ¥0.01. Under ¥0.01 will be billed as ¥0.01

Example: you have 1,000,000 requests per month, the monthly cost is: (50,000 requests x ¥0) + (950,000 requests x ¥0.0007) = ¥665

Note: this is an approximation and the final cost may vary slightly due to the actual request volume per hour.


Pay as you go is tiered pricing model, with tier requests calculated as the sum of the equests for each data item in the price groups. It is recommended that you use the Price Calculator to see the calculation process and estimate the monthly cost.

Saving Plans can significantly reduce the cost.

Note: When your average daily request volume is over 1,000,000 (or 500 for solar irradiation), please email and our business experts will provide a more flexible and cost-effective solution for you.

Weather and Environment

Pricing for the following data services: Weather Grid Weather Minutely Forecast Warning Weather Indices Air Quality Air Quality (new) Time Machine GeoAPI Astronomy

Requests(per month) Price(per request)
0~50000 CNY 0
Next 950000 CNY 0.0007
Next 4 million CNY 0.0005
Next 5 million CNY 0.00035
Next 40 million CNY 0.00015
Next 50 million CNY 0.0001
Over 100 million Contact us

Storm and Ocean

Pricing for the following data services: Tropical Cyclone Ocean

Requests(per month) Price(per request)
0~1 million CNY 0.003
Next 4 million CNY 0.0025
Next 5 million CNY 0.0015
Over 10 million Contact us

Solar Radiation

Pricing for the following data services: Solar Radiation

Requests(per month) Price(per request)
0~100000 CNY 0.3
Next 400000 CNY 0.2
Over 500000 Contact us